[德] 容樂團 - Restless and Live 演唱會 (Accept: Restless and Live) (2015)
[德] 容樂團 - Restless and Live 演唱會 (Accept: Restless and Live) (2015)

容樂團 - Restless and Live 演唱會

Accept: Restless and Live

德國重金屬樂團ACCEPT將發表藍光Restless And Live,收錄2015年在德國Bang Your Head!!!音樂節上的現場演出。在德國確是 No.1 級別的重金屬樂隊,今時今日能夠發行現場錄音專輯的樂隊也可見其歌迷群體龐大。

德國的Accept,是80年代早期頂尖的重金屬樂隊。包括主唱Udo Dirkschneider,吉他手Wolf Hoffman和Gerhard Wahl,貝斯手Peter Baltes以及鼓手Frank Friedrich。他們在主唱Udo Dirkschneider的帶領下,通過兇狠簡潔的節奏和極富殺傷力的速度以及無與倫比的強悍的舞臺風格的塑造,在重金屬樂壇獨樹一幟。

German/American metallers ACCEPT will release a new live set titled "Restless And Live" on January 13, 2017 via Nuclear Blast. This package will include the entire show ACCEPT played at 2015's Bang Your Head!!! festival in Balingen, Germany on Blu-ray/DVD plus two CDs. Comments ACCEPT guitarist Wolf Hoffmann: "We didn't know exactly what would happen back in 2010, what happens if... But this was six years ago and we've released three records since then. With 'Blind Rage', we had our first No. 1 chart record! There can be nothing nicer!" The package's title, chosen by the band couldn't be more suitable: "'Restless And Live' simply fits what we experienced at Bang Your Head!!! and for what we stand for until today!" Wolf says. "It goes on and on and on! We're already working on a new production. The thought of being on the road again soon gets our blood flowing: And it is possible to overcome everything that happened before."

01. Stampede
02. Stalingrad
03. London Leatherboys
04. Restless And Wild
05. Dying Breed
06. Final Journey
07. Shadow Soldiers
08. Losers And Winners
09. 200 Years
10. Midnight Mover
11. No Shelter
12. Princess Of The Dawn
13. Dark Side Of My Heart
14. Pandemic
15. Fast As A Shark
16. Metal Heart
17. Teutonic Terror
18. Balls To The Wall
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